
Dental practitioners (and their dental practices) listed on the "Find a Doctor" feature are registered orthodontists not employed by Invisalign India LLP (Invisalign India) who provide independent medical advice and services. The "Find a Doctor" feature is intended only as a tool to assist you to locate a dental practitioner or dental practice of your choosing from whom to seek an initial Invisalign consultation, and you independently need to determine if a particular dental practitioner is right for you. Invisalign India makes no guarantee or assurance of achievability of any particular treatment outcome or that you will be an eligible candidate for Invisalign treatment. Only your Invisalign trained dental practitioner can determine your suitability for Invisalign treatment and treatment options.

All dental practitioners and dental practices listed on the "Find a Doctor" feature have completed the training course offered by Invisalign India necessary to enable him/her to begin treating patients with the Invisalign system. The list is not exhaustive and there may be other Invisalign-trained orthodontists in your area. The status levels and other designations used in this tool are not recognised as specialty areas by the applicable dental associations within India and are also not intended to reflect the quality or skill level of the dental practitioner or dental practice nor be viewed as an endorsement or recommendation by Invisalign India of any dental practitioner or dental practice listed. The order of appearance in the search results is primarily based on the historical number of Invisalign treatments a dental practitioner or dental practice has submitted during the previous full calendar year. Their status is upgraded as soon as they meet the minimum requirements for that next level during the current calendar year.

Treatment with Invisalign aligners is customised based on your own clinical needs, so individual costs will vary. Final discretion with respect to the treatment costs and duration, depends on the complexity of your case, the orthodontist/dental practice and other factors and is solely determined by your chosen Invisalign trained orthodontist. Please check with your Invisalign trained orthodontist for more details. Any Invisalign treatment prices provided on the Invisalign India website (in particular, the Doctor Locator feature) are indicative only and are solely determined by your Invisalign trained orthodontist who will be able to give you a more detailed price quote for Invisalign treatment after completing a clinical examination of your teeth and gums.

All dental practitioners are required to renew their registration with the Dental Council of India each year. The Dental Council of India is an independent governing body that has no affiliation with Invisalign India. To check that your chosen dental practitioner is registered as at the date of your appointment, you can search here: https://dciindia.gov.in/DentistDetails.aspx
